Book Review


      Recommend 10/10

I had recently ventured to Namaste BookShop on 14th st. in the city in search of sage and incense. While I was browsing I came across this gem, How to heal toxic thoughts. The name hooked me in because I recently began my journey of healing and it just so happens that this was the direction I was already headed. I bought it and began reading it as soon as I got home. 

This book really opened my eyes and challenged some of my limiting beliefs around the power energy holds. In the book Sandra Ingerman focuses on the power behind our energy. She brings to light the transactions taking place spiritually between ourselves, each other, and the universe subconsciously. The visual exercises she provided helped me immensely. She helped me realize that just by showing up with love you are helping all life around you. Not only does she talk about reactions, projections, transmuting energy, the power of presence, toxic triggers, using the power of nature, discernment etc, but she provides exercises you can do daily to improve in these areas of your life. As a young woman who lives and works in the city I find myself reacting and projecting negativity very often. As Sandra refers to it as a psyche punch. Where you're consciously or subconsciously sending negative energy to somebody. I’ve realized the importance of compassion not pity. Pity can actually rob someone of their power. Instead you can use decrees to help lift others and yourselves up. Learning the importance of the breath and how slow conscious breathing exercises can create balance. Putting these exercises into practice daily has improved my state of being as well as those around me and I will continue to dedicate my time to these practices.
